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Create a Clip

What is Clip ?

Clips refer to specific stances, positions, or animations that a character or object can take. These clip are pre-defined animations that dictate how a character or object looks and behaves in a certain situation. Clip can convey emotions, actions, or interactions.

Creating Clip in Avataryug

  • Open Project in the Portal and select Clip on the left sidebar. Image title

  • Select Clips Image title

Add Clips Details

Clips ID: This is automatically created by our platform and is unique once you save the Clips
Status: status of the clips. It can be draft, active, inactive, or expired.
Tags: This optional field contains tags you can use to organize your catalog clips. As the field name implies, the tags are comma-delimited text strings.
Category: This optional field is an identifier you can use to help manage your clips.

Displayed to Users

Display Name: Name of the Clips
Description: This optional field is the description of the catalog Clips. One common usage is when you want to offer the clips in your in-app store.

Custom Data

This optional field allows you to enter attributes for the item as Key-Value Pairs (KVPs). Only the key is required for each attribute. The KVPs can be entered as a string in the text box, or if EDIT AS KEY/VALUE PAIRS is selected, entered in the following fields:
Key: A required field. The index to the Attribute Value.
Value: This optional field is the value of the attribute. If not set, the value is null.


Platform: The type of platform for which this thumbnail is generated
Thumbnail Size: The size of the texture in the artifact
Skin Tones: The type of Skin Tones for which this thumbnail is generated


Platform: The type of platform for which this artifact is generated
Format: Exported format of the artifact